P90x Stretch Full Video Free

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The Dynamix workout is one of the foundations of P90X3.

If you can’t move right, you can’t play right. Dynamix focuses on using your muscles, connective tissue, and joint function in symbolic actions to actively increase range of motion, flexibility, and stabilization. When worked in harmony, these systems are your keys to free and easy movement.

Dymamix Exercises- Each description is written for 1 side of your body, be sure to flip over and work the other too!

Click here to get the P90x meal plan and the the P90x diet plan on a budget free downloads. The Disadvantages Of P90X. P90X is one of the most efficient and effective home workout programs on the market. However, as with all popular workout programs, there are some downsides you need to be aware of before you get started with P90X. Ab ripper x is the ab routine from the original p90x series. There are 11 moves done back to back. There are 25 reps of the first 10 exercises, then 4050 reps on the last move. P90x ab ripper x (full video) fitness pinterest. P90x ab ripper x (full video) p90x ab ripper x (full video). Discover ideas about p90x ab ripper.

1.) Leg Lift ( 30 seconds)

  • More than 3.6 million people, including numerous professional athletes and celebrities, have bought and used P90X to get in the best shape of their lives. P90X is the #1-selling extreme home fitness program in the world, with 1.2 million videos posted to YouTube by satisfied customers and 470,000 Facebook fans. Why is it effective?
  • P90x X stretch is a 60 minute program full of a variety of stretches that will work every muscle in your body (think yoga x, but easier and more relaxing. Movies & Movie Reviews. Watch Classic Movies for Free Online. By Cynthia Zirkwitz. Computer & Video Games.

Lie on your left side. Begin to lift your leg straight up, while maintaining internal rotation on your right hip and foot.

2.) Adductor Lift (30 seconds)

On your left side, cross your right foot behind your left leg and begin to lift your left straight leg up toward the ceiling.

3.) Horse Step (30 seconds)

On your left side, pull your right bent knee up towards your torso, extend your leg out in front of you, and then sweep it back until your ankles are touching.

4.) Forearm Plank

With your right elbow under your right shoulder, keep your body in a straight line as you push your hips off the floor in a side plank balance.

5.) Glute Lift

Lying face down, flex your right foot and lift it straight up behind you, keeping your right hip down.

6.) Scorpion

Lying face down, lift your right bent leg up behind you and twist to touch your right toes over your back to your left hand.

7.) Shoulder Stretch

On your knees with your forearm on the floor, interlace your hands behind your back and lift them toward the ceiling

8.) Ham/Hip Rocker

Coming up on one knee, place your hands on your waist as you drop your pelvis toward the floor. Next, extend your front leg out in front of you, bringing your hands on either side of your leg.

9.) Groiners (knee tracking out)

Bring your hands to the floor inside of your right foot, extend your back leg straight behind you, and alternate stepping your right foot back into plank, and stepping back to the lunge.

10.) Pigeon

In plank, draw your right knee forward so that your shin is parallel to the front of the mat. Then, step in back into plank.


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11.) Lunge Push-Ups

Bring your hands to the floor inside of the right foot, extend your back leg straight behind you, and bend both elbows, lowering your chest toward the floor.

12.) Polka Stretch

Standing, flex your right foot and put your right straight leg out on the floor in front of you, bringing your hands above your knee and leaning forward. Continue to alternate and repeat.

13.) Hip Circles (alternating in and out)

Standing, lift your right bent knee and circle it out to the right, and then reverse the motion back in. Repeat other side.

14.) Polka Plus

Standing, flex your right foot and put your right straight leg out on the floor in front of you, reaching your left hand to touch your right pinky toe. Next, step your right leg back into a lunge with your arms in runner’s stance. Repeat on the other side.

15.) Double Knee Plus

Standing, grab your right bent knee on your shin and pull it up twice toward the ceiling. Alternate and repeat.

16.) Front to Back Lunges

Step forward into a lunge with your right foot forward and both knees bent to 90 degrees. next, step your right foot behind you in a lunge at the same depth. After 30 seconds, switch legs and repeat.

17.) Double Quad Stretch

Bend your right knee, bringing your right foot toward your right glute. Grab your right foot or ankle, and pull on your foot twice.

18.) Glide Lunge

With parallel feet wider than your hips, bend both knees and shift your weight from side to side, keeping your head level.

19.) Tin Man Zombie

With your arms extended straight out at shoulder level, alternate kicking straight legs out so that your toes tap your hands.

20.) Glute Rocker

Lying on your back, cross your right foot over your left knee and bend your left up toward your chest. Lower your left heel to tap the floor and then rock it back up to your chest. Repeat on the other side.

21.) Double Knee Pull

P90x Stretch Full Video Free Online

On your back, grab your right bent knee on the shin and pull it up twice toward your chest. Alternate and repeat.

22.) Double Pigeon Pull

On your back, pull the calf of your right lef toward you two times, keeping your ankle even with your knee. Alternate and repeat.

23.) Spinal Twist

On your back, bring your right knee up toward your chest and cross it over your body to tap the floor. Alternate and repeat.

24.) Fifer Scissor Stretch

On your back, with your right leg straight up to the ceiling and your left hovering off the ground, pull on your right calf twice. Switch legs and repeat.

25.) Marching Bridge

On your back, with your knees bent and your foot near your glutes, push your hips up towards the ceiling and begin marching your feet with your toes lifted off the ground.

26.) Farrthing Stretch

On your back, with your head and shoulders lifted, bend your right knee into your chest and extend your left to hover over the ground. Extend your right knee and lower your leg as your left knee bends to your chest. repeat.

27.) Side Banana, Right

On your right side, with your feet stacked and your arms extended past your ears, left your upper and lower body so that only your hip remains on the ground.


28.) Superman

On your stomach, with your arms extended and your palms stacked, lift your upper and lower body up so that your pelvis is the only thing remaining on the ground.

29.) Side Banana, Left

On your left side, with your feet stacked and your arms extended past your ears, lift your upper and lower body so that only your hip remains on the ground.